The St. Catharines Standard continues with their series of election "hot topics" with bicycle lanes, which will run tomorrow.
Here was my full e-mail response to their question.
Laura Ip to mvandongen 1:30 PM (0 minutes ago)
Hi, Matt
Thanks for another opportunity. I appreciate that you and Marlene are keeping on top of the election, and I hope that your coverage will also help to generate higher voter turnouts across the city.
With respect to cycling...
I am disappointed that our current Council has not taken a more proactive approach with respect to cycling, which is a viable and necessary mode of transportation for many in our community. The two-year-old bicycle lane policy did not need to be sent back to the drawing board.
With projects such as the performing arts centre, the new pool and library complex and the recently approved plan to take the wine route through downtown St. Catharines, we need to ensure that all of these are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. Ensuring that there is appropriate networking of bicycle lanes throughout the city is one way of doing this.
I also believe that the main reason the bicycle racks on city buses don't get used as much as we'd like them to is because there is not an appropriate network of bicycle lanes and other bicycle-friendly policy to coincide with them. It's like having good roads within each city but no highways to connect them.
There are still several issues with cars and the areas where bicycle lanes have been introduced, which are leading some to believe that bicycle lanes are not an appropriate venture; however, the only way to improve these issues is to continue to introduce bicycle lanes throughout the city to make cycling a safer mode of transportation.
The wonderful thing about being human is that we have the ability to adapt to our surroundings. As drivers get more used to using roads with bicycle lanes, and cyclists get more used to the fact that they have the opportunity to use them, everyone will find a way to co-operate in a manner that is safer for everyone.
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Matthew VanDongen wrote:
Hi folks, if you'd like the chance to have your say for a Standard Hot Topics article running in tomorrow's edition, you can e-mail me by 4:30 p.m. The topic is specifically bike lane policy, but you can address, if you wish, the broader challenges associated with planning/improving our city streets.
I can't promise I'll quote everyone within the body of the story, but we will include all of your submissions online if they arrive on time. Try to keep your answers concise! We'll be directing people to your contact/website info for more information.
Cheers, Matthew
Very well said. It's too bad you are not in the Port D. ward. I would defiantly be voting for you.
ReplyDeleteUnlike other cities across Ontario, the candidates for St Catharines all seem quite supportive of bike lanes at least.
I have been commuting by bike for quite a few years now, and especially since 2008 the number of bikes appears to have doubled each year, including the amount of people who ride in the winter.
A fortunate side-effect I have noticed, is more motorists are becoming aware and courteous.
One issue I have in the winter though, is snow is usually pushed into the bike lanes. This then forces myself and other winter riders out into the road which becomes too narrow.
On occasion they were cleared at least, however pre-bike lanes, roads were cleared right to the curb.
I wonder why this isn't the case anymore?