Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Not running Green in provincial election

While I am extremely flattered to have been asked, here is the media release I distributed this morning regarding my commitment to St. George's Ward.


May 13, 2014

Laura Ip not running Green in provincial election
City councillor says she is committed to St. George’s Ward

St. CatharinesSt. George’s Ward city councillor Laura Ip announced today she will not run under the Green Party banner in the June 12th provincial election.

“While I am very flattered to have been asked and I find many things about the Green Party platform interesting and compelling, my commitment is to the residents of St. George’s Ward,” said Ip.

Ip says she ran in 2010 and accepted the appointment in January, because she wants to make a difference in her community and city council is the most effective way for her to do that right now. She did not however, rule out running for other levels of government in the future. “There should be term limits at all levels of government,” explained Ip. She continued, “serve two or, at most, three terms and then run for another office, whether that be another municipal office or at the regional, provincial, or federal level.”

When asked how she felt about the current state of provincial politics, Ip said it’s clear the city and the province need a different and better approach. “The Green Party platform, being fiscally conservative and focused on social justice, fits with many of my viewpoints,” said Ip, “and St. Catharines definitely needs a new approach on jobs, transportation infrastructure and the environment, to name just a few things. I hope that people will show up to the polls and vote for change.”

Finally, Ip was clear about her intentions to run in the upcoming municipal election. “I filed my nomination papers for the October 27 election before council appointed me, so that everyone would be clear about what my intentions are. I think the best place for me right now is at the City Council table, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve the residents of St. George’s ward,” she said.

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For more information:
Laura Ip
Twitter: @L__Ip

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