Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Format of St. George's Ward candidates' meeting

Last night, I received an e-mail from Ben Hannan of The Friends of Walkers Creek to layout the meeting format for Tuesday.

I'm looking forward to the opportunity for all of the candidates to communicate with attendees, as I strongly believe it's important for us to communicate with you every chance we get, and a meeting of this nature allows you to ask us more direct questions and compare our answers.

Here's the format for the evening:

Tuesday, October 7th, 7:00 PM, Kiwanis Centre, Niagara and Carlton
Hosted by "The Friends of Walkers Creek" Association.

1. The meeting will be from 7:00 - 9:00 PM, we will try and have the doors open at 6:30 PM.

2. We will be supplying completed name tags. The candidates are welcome to bring their campaign literature (no election signs) to place on the provided tables behind the seating area. This literature can be distributed after the formal part of the meeting. Please do not put signs on the Kiwanis Centre property, before or during the meeting. We wish to give everyone an equal chance to express their views during the meeting itself.

3. Please sign in as you enter the hall so that we will know you are present.

4. The meeting will be opened by Ben Hannan, past-chair of "The Friends of Walkers Creek." John Storm has agreed to moderate this meeting.

5. There will be a head table to seat all candidates, with a podium set up from which the candidates will deliver their opening statement, presentation and closing remarks. A public address system will be available. The moderator's table will be set off to the side but well in view of the candidates.

6. At the 'sign in' table at the entrance to the hall, we will asking those attending the meeting to write down questions (questions will not be accepted from candidates) on the supplied cards and be placed in a collection box. The box will be removed promptly at the beginning of the meeting. A jury of three Directors of "The Friends of Walkers Creek" will review all questions and choose three questions of broad interest which will be given to the moderator for sharing with all candidates. There will be no questions from the floor and attendees and candidates can and are encouraged to have conversations during the "Meet and Greet" part of the evening, when coffee or tea will be available and which will follow the formal program section.

7. The meeting will start promptly at 7:00 PM and following the introductory remarks, the moderator will introduce each candidate.

8. Each candidate is then given 5 minutes to introduce themselves and explain their election platform. The order of these presentations will have been pre-determined by lottery under the auspices of the Directors of "The Friends of Walkers Creek." All presentation comments should be pertinent and personal attacks are not acceptable. Late arriving candidates, who miss their alloted time, will not be allowed to make that time up. However he/she is welcome to take his/her place at the head table and take part in the balance of the meeting as it progresses.

9. Questions will be posed to all candidates by the moderator following all presentations. The same question will be posed to each candidate. The moderator will determine a random order for candidates to respond to the question. Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to the question.

10. A "timer" will be positioned at the back of the hall, visible to candidates and to the moderator. Candidates will be given a "one minute" remaining warning sign when making their presentations. A "Time is up" sign will be evident to the candidate and moderator and respect of the time limits is anticipated.

11. Closing remarks should be made from the podium. Each candidate will given up to one minute, with a 30 second warning signal, to make their closing remarks. The order will be the reverse order of the opening introductory remarks.

12. Following the closing remarks, Ben Hannan of "The Friends of Walkers Creek" will thank the candidates and the moderator and encourage attendees to stay, enjoy a  coffee and meet with the candidates for St. George's Ward or with Mayoral, School Board or Regional Council candidates who may be in attendance, but who will not be provided with an opportunity to speak during the formal section of the meeting.

13. "The Friends of Walkers Creek"  have arranged this meeting and provided the funding for it in the public interest.

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