Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's because I'm not a "politician"

Over the course of the campaign, I've received several e-mails and phone calls from voters. They generally call to find out my stance on very specific issues.

I answer each and every e-mail and phone call, and I always give the person asking my actual opinion on whichever issue they are asking about.

Three times now, I've received responses back in which the voter thanks me for being honest, rather than giving a "politically correct" or "typical politician-type" response. As we all know, some candidates are sitting on the fence or otherwise being vague about some issues, in an effort to not lose votes.

I suppose I give my actual opinion on matters, because I'm running for Council not to be a politician, but to try to make a difference.

In addition to always having my own opinion on a matter, I will solicit input/feedback from voters to find out where they stand on issues. If the majority hold an opinion that is in conflict with my own, I recognize that it is my job - as a representative of a larger number of people - to vote in line with what the voters are asking for.

I am not suggesting for one second that it will be easy for me to vote in contradiction to what I personally believe, but - again, as a representative of a larger number of people - it will be my job, and I will do my job.

So, no, I guess I'm not much of a politician. I'm running for Council because I care about this city and its people, and I want to make a difference in how and what we do for the future.

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