Tuesday, October 5, 2010

St. George's ward debate is on!

As many of you who read this blog will know, I proposed to the other three candidates on September 13 that we hold an all-candidates forum in St. George's ward. The incumbents took over organizing it and, unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond their and my control, it looked like it wasn't going to take place.

However, Greg Washuta managed to arrange for Professor David Siegel to moderate the debate at the Dunlop Drive Seniors Centre.

I am thrilled to have Professor Siegel moderate a debate for us, and I sincerely hope that every one of you reading this will come out to the debate, as there will be lots of opportunity to ask questions.

The debate will take place on Wednesday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m.

Below, is the format for the debate as determined by Professor Siegel:

- The forum will begin promptly at 7:00.

- The forum will commence with a 5-minute statement from each candidate.

- All time limits will be strictly enforced by the moderator.

- The order of speaking will be determined by a simple game of chance developed by the moderator.

- After the 5-minute statements, the floor will be open for questions from the audience. The moderator will recognize questioners in the order in which they request to speak, but the moderator will ensure that no one is allowed to dominate the question period.

- Each candidate will have an opportunity to provide a 2-minute answer to every question.

- At approximately 8:15 (or earlier depending on the flow of questions) the moderator will announce that the question and answer part of the forum is ended.

- Each candidate will make a 3-minute closing statement. The order of speakers will be inverse of the order of the opening statements.

- The formal part of the forum will finish at 8:30.

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